The reason is b/c the Harper Conservative Party is a neoliberal political party.
Neoliberalism is the economic theory that was implemented in Britain by
Thatcher, the USA by Reagan, and Canada by Mulroney. It's purpose the
reestablishment of upper class power, by transferring wealth from the
lower and middle to the upper class.
In Canada, this is done by
privatizing public assets and reducing the responsibilities of
corporations (environmental and tax-wise), while transforming the social
safety-net into a pay-as-you-go system, whereby you get the services
that you can afford.
Why are the Harper Conservatives spending
like drunken sailors? Because the point is to create as much national
debt as possible, to justify future cuts to social programs by claiming
that they are unaffordable. All that money that we see wasted adds up -
and we pay.
How much bailout money did Canadian banks get? Why
did they get this money and then post record profits? Why can't the
media get a grip on this story? Who controls the journalists? Why did
the government not give bailout money to people who have lost their
homes? Lost their jobs?
The capitalist economy is a stacked
deck. Harper represents the interests of the capitalist bloc. What makes
it worse is that while there is evidence of widespread voter fraud, the
government continues to pass legislation that is just killing Canada's
spirit, turning it into a giant-foreign-owned-resource-extraction zone.
By the time we vote in a new government, all valuable assets will have
been sold to foreign entities, undemocratic entities who will protect
their legal assets at all costs.
How can a possible illegitimate government do this? What is going on?
by ratiocinari
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