A lot can be said about a man from his choice in collars.
Here are the most common styles in menswear, along with a little guidance.

THE FORWARD POINT COLLAR640 81Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the narrow space between the two collar points, which are often not covered by the jacket lapels.
Recommended for: traditionalists, minimalists, bowtie wearers, formal shirts, guys with round faces, narrow ties.

THE BUTTON-DOWN COLLAR640 31Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the buttons, of course.
Recommended for: casual settings, preppy guys, sportsmen, students, non-tie wearers.

THE SPREAD COLLAR640 61Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the roughly 45 degree angle of the collar points.
Recommended for: businessmen, rich guys, men with large necks, wider neckties.

THE CUTAWAY COLLARMenswearCutawayCollarDenimShirtAlex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the severe angle of the collar points and the visible “noose” ends of the necktie.
Recommended for: fashionistos, statement makers, guys who wear Italian suits, guys with narrow faces.

THE CLUB COLLAR640 41Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the rounded collar points (shown here with a collar pin).
Recommended for: club members, brainiacs, Ivy leaguers, guys who play by the rules, guys who appreciate exclusivity.

THE TAB COLLAR640 71Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the hidden button that fastens the two collar points together under the tie knot (causing the knot to lift and the collar to crease at its midpoint).
Recommended for: guys with strong attention to detail, guys who hate collar flares, guys who take pride in their tie dimples, guys who enjoy the art of dressing.

THE POWER COLLAR640 13Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: a taller neckband that has two buttons on the collar.
Recommended for: large athletic guys, guys with long necks, confident guys, substantial neckties, guys with large personalities.

THE BAND COLLAR640 21Alex Crawford/Articles of Style

Distinctive quality: the lack of a collar, really. It’s just a neckband.
Recommended for: artists, outdoorsmen, guys who work with their hands, guys who enjoy layering, guys who are nostalgic about old times.
What’s your go-to collar style?
Yours in style,
Dan Trepanier
Photography by Alex Crawford. Styling by Dan Trepanier.